Legal Translation Services
For over ten years now, Hieronymus has devoted itself exclusively to the translation of legal and financial texts and documents. We have an established reputation for the quality of our translations used in legal, arbitral and regulatory proceedings, and for assisting Swiss companies and corporate groups in the preparation of multilingual contract documentation.
Translations by lawyers for lawyers
Founded by lawyers as a service for lawyers, Hieronymus has rapidly established itself as Switzerland’s leading translation agency for demanding clients looking for a partner to help them with their most challenging legal translation projects.
Expertise in Swiss law
Each translation project at Hieronymus is overseen by a Senior Lawyer-linguist. All of our lawyer-linguists are licensed to practice law in Switzerland and have years of professional experience. We translate only to and from the national languages of Switzerland, plus English and Spanish.
Our Clients
Our clients include Swiss law firms, banks, insurance companies, investment funds, government agencies, and corporate legal and translation departments from the retail, industrial, real estate, telecommunications, and health sectors. Clients avail themselves of our services both for one-time assignments and within the framework of long-term relationships. Special arrangements can be agreed with clients who require translations on a regular basis.
- 1 Customers in German-speaking Switzerland 47%
- 2 Customers in French-speaking Switzerland 39%
- 3 Customers in Ticino 6%
- 4 Foreign customers 8%
- 1 Litigation and arbitration 36%
- 2 Contracts, General Terms and Conditions, and banking 31%
- 3 Regulatory proceedings and compliance 12%
- 4 Capital markets 6%
- 5 Tax law; mutual administrative assistance and mutual legal assistance in tax matters 4%
- 6 Trademarks and patents 4%
- 7 Other 7%
Die Schweizer ACE-Gesellschaften beanspruchen die Dienstleistungen von Hieronymus nun seit einigen Jahren. Die erbrachten Dienstleistungen entsprachen uneingeschränkt unseren Erwartungen - sowohl in qualitativer Hinsicht als auch mit Bezug auf die Effizienz.
Benedikt Gschwend, ACE Insurance
Hieronymus ist über die letzten Jahre zu einer sehr wertvollen Partnerin in der Erbringung unserer Dienstleistungen an unsere Klienten geworden.
Luc Defferard, Walder Wyss
Le fait que les équipes de traducteurs de Hieronymus soient constituées de juristes et d'avocats différencie Hieronymus de ses concurrents par la qualité de leurs traductions juridiques et leur professionnalisme. Ce sont ces qualités que j'apprécie tout particulièrement.
Philippe Jacquemoud, Jacquemoud Stanislas
Nous faisons régulièrement appel aux services de traduction de Hieronymus pour des documents juridiques souvent complexes. Chaque mandat met en évidence le grand professionnalisme de leur équipe, le respect absolu des délais très courts accordés, et une qualité de travail irréprochable.
François Bellanger, Etude Ming Halpérin Burger Inaudi
How to get the best out of MT
Machine Translation (MT) can be a powerful tool, but you should never trust it blindly. A thorough read-through of the generated target text is always a must, especially for legal …Continue reading »Happy Birthday, nFADP!
The Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP) was updated a year ago, aligning Swiss law with EU data protection standards. In response, we’ve extensively revised numerous privacy policies. To …Continue reading »
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