Legal English Shot
Legal English Shot – your monthly dose of language tips
Interested in getting a booster to keep yourself vaccinated against the most common legal English mistakes?
Occasionally you will receive a brief e-mail with concise advice on how to avoid one of the specific mistakes in vocabulary, grammar or style that the Senior Lawyer-Linguists at Hieronymus come across daily as they review and refine the many legal texts that pass through their hands. Having trouble with a specific term or bothered by a mistake that keeps turning up?

The last Legal English Shots
Legal English Shot – Terminate a contract, resolve it, cancel it, revoke it, avoid it, or rescind it ?
You know you want out of the contract, but how do you say it in legal English? Are you going to terminate it, resolve it, cancel it, revoke it, avoid …Continue reading »Legal English Shot – What are the German and English equivalents of the French expression “sous les réserves d’usage”?
What is the meaning of that expression in Swiss law? Most legal jurisdictions assign a special status to correspondence between lawyers as a means of facilitating the amicable resolutions of …Continue reading »
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Reference Manuals
Hieronymus is pleased to make available a number of practical tools distilled from our many years of experience in translating into legal English:

Hieronymus Style Guide for
Legal Writing in English

Part I: Legal English-Course
Key notions and civil procedure
Part II: Legal English-Course
The law of obligations and company law