Criminal law
We have extensive experience in translating documents relating to criminal proceedings, particularly in the areas of economic and financial crime (money laundering, violation of trade or business secrets, unfair competition, economic espionage, tax fraud, tax evasion, and tax avoidance), bank fraud and embezzlement, embezzlement by outside asset managers or employees, malicious harm to third-party financial interests, trafficking in works of art, etc.
Having worked in this field for more than ten years, we have developed our own terminological resources, including an annotated terminological database and flow-charts. This ensures our ability to furnish well-grounded translations of terms specific to each area of criminal law and criminal procedure law. We also make this knowledge available to our clients through the publication of our Legal English Course, our Synoptic Table of Swiss Law, and our “Legal English Shots” – monthly notes on individual legal English expressions, distributed on request by e-mail.
Legal Expertise