Happy Birthday, nFADP!

The Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP) was updated a year ago, aligning Swiss law with EU data protection standards. In response, we’ve extensively revised numerous privacy policies. To aid in understanding these changes, we created a comprehensive glossary. To celebrate this anniversary, we’ve decided to share this valuable resource with you. CH (FR) […]

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Interview mit Language Box, den Schweizer Experten für Übersetzungsprozesse

Paula Reichenberg, Geschäftsführerin der Hieronymus AG, Translations by Lawyers for Lawyers und Gründerin von LexMachina, gibt uns in ihrem Interview einen ersten Einblick in die Funktionsweise und verrät, weshalb eine Maschine den Job eines Übersetzers trotz allem nicht ersetzen kann. LexMachina: die Übersetzungsmaschine für Schweizer Anwälte – Language Box  

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Legal English Shot – Don’t let the court of competent jurisdiction hold you incompetent

Master the difference between jurisdiction and competence The English term “jurisdiction” can have different meanings, depending on the context: The official power to hear a suit and to make judicially binding decisions or judgements (e.g. “The courts of Switzerland have no jurisdiction in/over the matter”, “The Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction to hear appeals from […]

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Hieronymus is proud to announce that Innosuisse is co-funding our Datalambic research project

We are proud to have been granted Innosuisse funding for our “Datalambic” project – allowing us to gather and clean a plethora of Swiss language data to boost the performance of our Neural Machine Translation (NMT) engines. This 18-month project, which started on November 1, 2020, is being carried out in collaboration with iCoSys, a research […]

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LexMachina propels Hieronymus into the world of LegalTech

With the launching of LexMachina, the translation engine specifically designed for Swiss lawyers, Hieronymus has officially entered the international LegalTech community. We would like to thank our exceptional team of lawyers and translators, true masters of their trade, for contributing their legal and linguistic know-how for the creation of this new technological gem. And for […]

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